
DIY Skincare Treatments for Summer 7 September 2023

DIY Skincare Treatments for Summer

Summer is the perfect time to give your skin extra love and attention. The warmer temperatures and increased humidity can cause excess oil production, clogged pores, and even sun damage. But don't worry, you don't need to break the bank to achieve a brighter, healthier complexion. With a few simple ingredients and some DIY spirit, you can create effective and affordable skincare treatments at home.

Here are some DIY summer skincare tips and recipes to get you started.

1. Brightening Papaya Mask: 

Papaya is packed with enzymes that can help exfoliate dead skin cells, leaving your skin looking brighter and more refreshed. Mix 1/2 cup mashed papaya with 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of plain yoghurt. Apply to your face and leave on for 15 minutes before rinsing off.

2. Soothing Cucumber Serum:

Cucumber is a natural anti-inflammatory that can help calm irritated skin. Blend 1/2 cucumber with 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel and 1 tablespoon rosewater. Strain the mixture and apply it to your face using a cotton ball.

3. Turmeric and Yogurt Mask:

Mix one tablespoon of turmeric powder with two tablespoons of plain yoghurt. Apply the mixture onto your face and let it sit for 10-15 minutes before rinsing it with warm water. This mask will reduce inflammation and improve your skin's texture.

4. Hydrating Honey Mask:

Honey is a natural humectant that can help lock in moisture and keep your skin hydrated. Mix 1 tablespoon honey with 1 tablespoon avocado and 1 tablespoon plain yoghurt. Apply to your face and leave it on for 15 minutes before rinsing off.

With these easy DIY skincare treatments, you can keep your skin looking its best all summer long. Give them a try and let us know which one is your favourite!