


What to Expect from Laser Hair Reduction Treatment?

Most people find the monthly, or bi-monthly task of waxing, shaving and other painful hair removal treatments downright tedious and often unpleasant. The strawberry legs post-shaving, the ingrown hair problem, and the monthly pain are often a bad bargain. The good news is that there is a better alternative to this.

Laser hair treatment is a medical procedure that uses a concentrated laser beam to remove hair from a particular area of the body. It is an effective and often long-lasting painless procedure that delays hair growth. There are different methods for hair removal for different parts of the body, depending on various important factors. Laser hair treatments might also require maintenance treatments to curb hair growth effectively.

What to expect during the procedure?

Before the procedure, your hair will need to be shaved so as to target the hair roots. A numbing medication or anesthetic cream will be applied for 30-45 minutes, prior to the laser procedure. This helps with the sting of the pulsating laser on your skin. The equipment varies according to your skin and hair type and thickness as well as the body part that you are looking to treat.

Benefits of Laser Hair Treatments

Laser hair treatment removes unwanted hair from parts of the body such as the legs, chin, face, underarms, bikini line, etc. Its precision is impeccable and it selectively targets coarse hair, while the surrounding area remains untouched and undamaged by the laser. The treatment is fast. For smaller areas, such as the upper lip, laser hair treatment can take less than a few minutes as compared to larger areas, which may take up to an hour.

How Laser Hair Treatment Actually Works

It is very important to consult with your doctor to treat any underlying hormonal conditions you may have that may be affecting your hair growth. Only once those conditions are treated is it sensible to start with your laser hair treatment for the best results. Other factors that the laser hair treatment depends on are hair colour and your skin type. The pigment of the hair should absorb the concentrated laser light and should damage only the hair follicle, not the skin around it. This means that the best results are seen in a contrasting skin and hair colour combination.

The Risks of Laser Hair Treatment

It is imperative to understand the risks of laser hair treatment so as to prepare for pre-treatment and post-treatment care. Here are some of the common risks of laser hair treatment.

Skin irritation

Post-treatment one may notice some temporary discomfort, redness as well as swelling. These symptoms however are likely to disappear within a few hours.

Pigment changes

The treatment may cause the affected area to lighten or darken. These changes may or may not be permanent. Your practitioner will be the best to guide you in this situation.

Some other risks also include blistering, scarring, skin crusting or changes in skin texture. On the other hand, rare risks involve the greying of treated hair and excessive hair growth around the treated areas. This is more particular to darker skin.

What to Expect Before Laser Hair Treatment

If you’re planning on getting a laser hair treatment done, ensure the following things

  • Limit plucking, waxing, or any other hair removal treatments six weeks before treatment as laser hair treatment is meant to target the roots of your hair. Other hair removal treatments like waxing or plucking remove the hair roots temporarily
  • Avoid sun exposure for approximately six weeks before and after your laser hair treatment for better results and to avoid complications during and after the treatment

If you’re looking for laser hair treatment in Bangalore, Aesthetica Veda is the right place to be at. We are a team of highly experienced professionals with a vision to provide comprehensive aesthetic services including skin, hair, body and dental care. For queries, contact our expert dermatologists so they can guide you with the right skincare treatments. Visit Aesthetica veda to know more.