
Acne is the most common problem in adolescents and young adults 15 March 2024

Acne is the most common problem in adolescents and young adults

Acne is the most common problem in adolescents and young adults .  A wide range of therapeutic options are available,including topicals and systemic therapies.

Chemical peeling is a skin resurfacing procedure done to regenerate normal skin,by applying exfoliating agents.

Salicylic acid peel : It has anti-inflammatory properties and due to its strong keratolytic and comedolytic properties it promotes shredding of epidermal cells and penetrates comedones and pores to prevent clogging and neutralises bacteria.

30% SA peel is used for superficial peeling in acne therapy.

Glycolic peel (GA): (alpha hydroxy acids) is used as superficial or medium depth peel.This agent is available at concentrations from 20% to 70 % .The depth of penetration and intensity of GA peels increase with higher concentrations and exposure time .

Also mandelic acid peel formulated in combination with salicylic acid , i.e  20% SA and 10% Mandelic acid (SAMA peel) is widely used to treat mild to moderate acne . 

Acne Scarring can develop as a complication of acne if left untreated .Any type of acne spot can lead to scarring but it's more common in nodulocystic form of acne and can damage nearby skin.  Scarring can occur if you prick or squeeze your spots.

MNRF : Recently ,MnRF is popular in the treatment of acne scars for safeness promising effect,rapid recovery and low rate of complication as a minimally invasive technology.

MnRF uses  microneedles to deliver radio frequency current to  dermal components at the targeted depth,without disrupting the epidermis.The heat delivered by MnRF tightens the collagen and promotes neocollagenesis activation of fibroblasts.

In conclusion, 4 to 6 sessions of MnRF treatments with 1 month interval could obtain good improvement in the texture of skin .

Vampire lift : It  is a minimally invasive treatment option to rejuvenate your skin and improve acne scars.

This unique treatment combines microneedling with Dermapen and PRP(Platelet-rich plasma) to treat concerns like :

Acne scars, Dull or uneven skin tone ,fine lines and uneven skin texture. It can help to create a refreshed ,younger look and tighten the skin.